CHEA Committees
Click on any committee to get the chairman’s information and download brochures, reports, forms, petitions and more. Click here to download the Adobe Reader
Lesley Dale, Chairman
Roseville Lodge No. 2248
Earl Hively, Vice Chairman
Redlands Lodge No. 0583
POWERPOINT Presentations from November 2016 Mid-Term
- Accounting Balance Sheet
- Budgets in Quickbooks
- Business Practices
- Business Practices Seminar 2016
- Chart of Accounts
- CHEA Unrelated Business Income Tax
- Games of Chance
- Good Accounting
- Mid-Term Leading Knights Conference
- PrePaid Dues
- IRS Pub 598 – Tax on Unrelated Business Income of Exempt Organization
- IRS Pub 3079 – Tax Exempt Organizations & Gaming
Jay Dupler, Chairman
Oceano-Five Cities Lodge No. 2504
The AMERICANISM Committee shall formulate ways and means by which the State Association, its Lodges and members, can most effectively preserve patriotic feeling toward the government of the United States of America, and to supervise and promote programs in furtherance of said objective.
The goal of the Americanism Committee of the California-Hawaii Elks is to increase patriotism in our Lodges, homes, schools, communities and nation. As members of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, it is our sacred duty to see that our glorious Flag ever flies; that proper tribute is paid to our Military and that the spirit of Freedom never dies.
CONTEST 2024-2025
Rules – What does Patriotism Mean to Me?
- Anti-Desecration Petition
- Certification of Participation 2024-2025
- Americanism Lodge Monthly Report – EXCEL
- Military “Thank You” Card
Lynn Glick, Chairman
Alameda Lodge No. 1015
Robyn Sembenini, Vice Chairman
San Rafael Lodge No. 1108
The creation of the BLT Legacy Giving (BLT) Committee in 1984 set the stage for ensuring the financial future of the Major Project. Amounts under $500 go directly to help underwrite Major Project expenses for the year in which they are given. The establishment of the BLT Legacy Giving Fund in 1991 designated gifts of $500 or more to be placed in a special account.
BLT gives all Elks an opportunity to participate in the Major Project through a living trust fund. There are also other options available through the BLT Committee.
Click here to see articles about Special Presentations for the Commitment Trust
Interested in further information? Click here to read more, or download the following BLT information:
- Articles for Lodge Bulletin/Magazine
- Bequests and Living Trusts Brochure (Revised 04/2016)
- BLT NOW – Ask Me How Flyer
- Blurbs – Place in the Lodge bulletin or post in the Lodge
- District Report Sample
- Lodge Report Form
- Manual (Revised 4/2016)
- PowerPoint Presentation – ADOBE Version
- PowerPoint Presentation – Contact CHEA Fresno office for PowerPoint Version
Rick Adams, Chairman
Glendale Lodge No. 1289
The Blue Coat Committee shall work with the vendors and Exalted Rulers in purchasing and ordering their Blue Coats to be worn at functions and events such as the Annual CHEA Convention, Grand Lodge Convention, Mid-Term Conference and other Elk functions.
Blue Coat Order Form
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Dave Wells, Chairman
Merced Lodge No. 1240
Rochelle Zenger, Vice Chairman
Sunland-Tujunga Lodge No. 2098
The BUSINESS PRACTICES Committee shall formulate ways and means to assist the Lodges of the Association to maintain sound financial operations. It will disseminate information and provide supervisory coordination to ensure fiscal responsibility and financial stability.
The Business Practices Committee exists as a resource to Lodges for achieving sound financial conditions in all facets of their operations. When requested, we will provide training to Districts on various topics to ensure compliance with all laws and CHEA mandates.
POWERPOINT Presentations from November 2016 Mid-Term
- Accounting Balance Sheet
- Budgets in Quickbooks
- Business Practices
- Business Practices Seminar 2016
- Chart of Accounts
- CHEA Unrelated Business Income Tax
- Games of Chance
- Good Accounting
- Mid-Term Leading Knights Conference
- PrePaid Dues
- IRS Pub 598 – Tax on Unrelated Business Income of Exempt Organization
- IRS Pub 3079 – Tax Exempt Organizations & Gaming
Robert Brotherton, Chairman
Rancho Cordova Lodge No. 2484
The CLMS Committee shall provide training and support in the use of the CLMS program. It shall disseminate all information received from Grand Lodge concerning the CLMS program.
Grand Lodge offers assistance at the CLMS Helpdesk, which can be contacted at [email protected] or 888-604-2567.
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CHEA Drug Awareness Program
Susan Good, Chairman, Fresno Lodge No. 439
Patricia “Patty” Hamilton, Vice Chairman, El Cajon Lodge No. 1812
The DRUG AWARENESS Committee shall actively participate in promoting the Grand Lodge program of educating the nations youth on the dangers of illicit drug use.
Mission Statement
The Drug Awareness Program of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is dedicated to preventing the use of illicit drugs by the youth of our country as well as informing them of the dangers caused by the use of legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco. This mission will be accomplished by directing resources to our various targeted audiences, both young and old, based upon set priorities and with the assistance of our committed partners, we will be able to actively educate our communities by providing them with scientific based prevention programs and drug awareness information.
Click on any of the links below to download the information.
CONTESTS – Contest Theme: Throw Away Drugs – Not Your Future!!
FOR 3RD, 4TH, & 5th GRADERS:
CHEA National Video Winner 2024 – Pre-High School:
Created by students: Alissa R., Kaelynn A., Vincent R., Nevaeh S., & Brigid H. from Gordon H. Beatty Middle School. Thank you to Buena Park Elks Lodge #2046 and Lodge Drug Awareness Chair Michelle Striley for securing this entry. View here:
CHEA National Video Winner 2024 – High School:
Created by student: Sophia L., Grade 11, from Canyon Hills High School. Thank you to San Diego Elks Lodge #168 and Lodge Drug Awareness Chair Kat Kutler for securing this entry. View here:
- Payout Amounts for Essay, Poster and Video Contests 2024-2025
- Application for Lodge Matching Funds 2024-2025
- District Chairman Quarterly Report
- Lodge Chairman Quarterly Report
- Order Form for Drug Awareness Comic Book 2024-2025
- Order Form for No-Cost Drug Awareness Literature, Brochures, Coloring Books
- Drug Awareness 2024-2025 Deadline Dates
Visit the Grand Lodge’s Drug Awareness Program’s web page for more information on the national Elks Drug Awareness Program.
The DRUG AWARENESS Committee shall actively participate in promoting the Grand Lodge program of educating the nations youth on the dangers of illicit drug use.
Debra Mello, Chairman
Woodland Lodge No. 1299
The Financial Reporting System Committee shall provide training and support in the use of the Grand Lodge Financial Reporting System. It shall disseminate all information received from Grand Lodge concerning the Financial Reporting System.
David B. Coleman, Chairman
Simi Valley Lodge No. 2492
Alyssa Santos, Vice Chairman
Gardena Lodge No. 1919
The GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Committee shall develop a well organized “grass roots” network of informed members throughout California and Hawaii who will be responsive to calls for assistance in combating all matters adverse to the Order of Elks on a national, state or local level. Personal relationships with government officials and legislators are to be encouraged and developed wherever possible.
Government Relations Manual – click here to view on the Grand Lodge website
Cliff Wadley, Chairman
Riverside Lodge No. 643
The GL/CONV HOUSING COORDINATORS Committee shall assist the Districts in gathering information for Grand Lodge, Mid-Term, & Convention Housing.
David Martin, Chairman
Atascadero Lodge No. 2733
Leslie Fisher, Vice Chairman
Riverside Lodge No. 0643
The ELKS HOOP SHOOT Free Throw Contest Committee shall serve to highlight the Elks Commitment to the nations youth, encourage family participation and help develop the character of our youth to better qualify them to become good citizens and the leaders of tomorrow.
Find out more about how Elks are helping kids have fun, build relationships, and gain recognition for skills in the Hoop Shoot Program.
The upcoming California-Hawaii semi-state contests will be conducted on the following dates:
Saturday, February 2, 2019 – Northern California semi-state in Modesto, CA
Saturday, February 9, 2019 – Southern California semi-state in Redlands, CA
Hawaii Contest TBD.
The NorCal and Hawaii final scores will be compared to determine the winning scores, and then the scores will be compared with the SoCal final scores to crown the six California-Hawaii state champions. The winners move on to Las Vegas on Saturday, March 9, 2019 for the West Region 7 finals.
Saturday, April 20, 2019 – Elks National Finals, Chicago, IL
See the Elks National Hoop Shoot Free Throw Program by clicking here!
Order basketballs and soccer balls directly from the manufacturer! Download the order form.
For more information on the Hoop Shoot program, please visit the Grand Lodge Hoop Shoot page.
Robert Beck, Chairman
Pittsburg Lodge No. 1474
The INSURANCE AND SAFETY Committee shall preserve and protect the property, assets, and members of our Subordinate Lodges. The Committee participates in four insurance programs; property plus, liability, workers compensation and directors and officers coverage. The Committee monitors the accidents and lawsuits against the Lodges, their Officers and members, and assists with safety issues. Each District has an Insurance and Safety Committee Chairman available to assist the Lodges with questions of insurance, claims and safety.
- “HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT” (Off Premises Event-Use Agreement for RV’s and Trailers for Lodge-Recommended Indemnity for Use of Lodge Facilities)
Click here to see current and archived Newsletters
Insurance & Safety Update December 7, 2018
A Lodge has full benefits from the program only if the coverage is at least 80% of Fair Market Value (FMV) at time of loss. Failure to have this is mismanagement, unless the Lodge members vote for less coverage for reasons that include no plans to rebuild, or to rebuild smaller. Call the broker, Aon at 1-800-421-3557, and ask for a free appraisal. If the Lodge has 80% coverage of FMV, it will be eligible for an additional 50% of coverage for municipal code changes and upgrades. Grand Lodge recommends a deductible, which will result in a 13% reduced premium from your previous year.
Every Lodge should carry Directors and Officers Insurance, which protects line officers, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustees, and volunteers acting on behalf of the Lodge. It is cheap.
Any questions, contact your District Insurance and Safety Chairman or the Association Chairman.
The self inspection reports should be timely and accurately performed to make the Lodge aware of dangerous conditions and to make immediate corrections. This report is in the Grand Lodge Accident Claim Prevention Manual.
If you have any questions regarding accidents, claims, injuries or safety, please contact the Association Chairman or your District Chairman. All are listed in the CHEA Directory.
Les Yeffa, Chairman
Santa Cruz Lodge No. 0824
Hugh Scanlon, Vice Chairman
Glendale Lodge No. 1289
The INVESTMENTS Committee shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be chosen from the following: one (1) Trustee from each the Association and Major Project Boards; four (4) members chosen from the membership at large who have a financial and investment background and experience; and a Past Grand Exalted Ruler from CHEA. This committee may select and use Advisors as they deem necessary. The CHEA and CHEMPI members shall each serve a one (1) year term; the four (4) at-large members a four (4) year term with one (1) such member being appointed each year. The first four (4) at-large members shall determine their initial terms of offices, i.e., 1, 2, 3, or 4 years, by lottery .The committee shall select one (1) of its members as Chairman. The committee is responsible to monitor, oversee and make recommendations for the investments of CHEA and CHEMPI, and shall have the overall responsibility therefore, in accordance with the investment policies and objectives established by the individual Boards. They shall meet at the annual Association Convention and Mid-Term Conference and report to the respective Boards and Budget Committees. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman of either Board or the Committee Chair.
Rudy Guerra, Chairman
Delano Lodge No. 1761
The LODGE ACTIVITIES Committee shall investigate and recommend ways and means of maintaining interest in meetings, projects, and activities in the Subordinate Lodges of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks in the states of California and Hawaii.
The LODGE ACTIVITIES Committee assists the Lodge Secretary in accurately completing the Lodge’s “Survey of Volunteer, Youth Charitable, and Community Service Programs Report Sheet,” including the reporting of the participation by members and guests in Mandatory, Prescribed and Non-Prescribed Lodge Activities.
Additionally the LODGE ACTIVITIES Committee should promote the Grand Lodge Lodge Activities/State Association Committee Program of Contest and Grand Exalted Rulers Awards by encouraging their Lodge to participate in all Grand Lodge and State Association Contests; taking maximum advantage of all of the Grand Exalted Ruler awards of recognition for which their members and Lodge qualify.
- Lodge Level Activity Report (Adobe pdf Fillable)
- Lodge Level Activity Report (EXCEL)
- District Level Activity Report (Adobe pdf Fillable)
- District Level Activity Report (EXCEL)
- Lodge Survey of Volunteer, Youth Charitable and Community Service Programs
William Wiscovitch, Chairman
Escondido Lodge No. 1687
Frank Gutierrez, Vice Chairman
Oceanside Lodge No. 1561
The MAJOR PROJECT Committee shall operate, manage, and control the Major Project of this Association. It shall apply and expend for charitable purposes, and no other, monies paid to the Major Project Fund by the Elks of California and Hawaii or any other persons or corporations. It shall plan and execute campaigns and activities for the raising of additional monies to further said Major Project. In any matters relating to the raising of funds or the disbursement of money, the advice and consent of the majority of the members of the Board of Trustees shall be first obtained. A full and complete report of all activities and an accounting for all funds received and expended by said committee shall be submitted to each annual meeting of this Association.
For more information on the Major Project, please go to our Major Project page.
Nicole Sato, Chairman
Newport Harbor Lodge No. 1767
James Warrick, Vice Chairman
Carmichael Lodge No. 2103
The MEMBERSHIP Committee shall investigate and recommend ways and means of increasing membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks within the states of California and Hawaii.
For more information and to download the Grand Lodge Membership Program Manual, click here.
Lodge Learning Seminars – For More Information, click here.
If you are interested in becoming an Elk, click here.
- 2014 Membership Development Program Click Here
- 2014 Membership Recruitment Program Click Here
- 2014 Membership Retention Program Click Here
- Elks Second Step Program – A proposed program for keeping new members active and interested. Introduction ~ Program
Membership Retention is a must. Review the following as suggestions and aids for preserving membership. Download any or all and use accordingly.
- Lapsation Manual – with sample letters, ideas and membership management forms.
- Lapsation Quick Start Guide
- Download Elks Second Step Program – A proposed program for keeping new members active and interested. Introduction ~ Program
- Download Elks Exit Interview/Survey – A survey for determining why a member is leaving or has left the Order. Interview ~ Survey
- Elks Members Questionnaire – How and whereby can a lodge and the Order of Elks be improved. Introduction ~ Questionnaire
Comments and/or suggestions are always well received. Please contact the Chairman with any comments or suggestions or requests for copies of the documents presented.
Kealoha Arelliano, Chairman
Orange Lodge No. 1475
Jere Williams, Vice Chairman
South San Francisco Lodge No. 2091
The NATIONAL FOUNDATION Committee will engage in fund raising activities and promote ENF programs to support the mission of the Elks National Foundation to help Elks build stronger communities. We will encourage and support members, Lodges and Districts to achieve the Grand Exalted Rulers annual ENF per member giving goal. The Elks National Foundation is pledged to invest in communities where Elks live and work. It helps youth develop lifelong skills, sends students to college, meets the needs of today’s veterans, supports the charitable work of the state Elks Associations and fund projects that improve the quality of life in local Elks communities.
The Community Investment Committee will encourage and support the Lodge of the California-Hawaii Elks Association to invest in the communities they serve through CIP grants – which include Beacon, Gratitude, Promise and Impact grants – in ways that will raise the Lodge’s profile, energize the membership, encourage former members to reinstate their membership, and gain the notice of people who want to be part of an organization that’s doing great things.
How the Elks National Foundation helps the California-Hawaii Elks Association
Elks Nurturing Families
John Hardman, Chairman
Clovis Lodge No. 2599
Daniel Baccelliere, Vice Chairman
Westchester Lodge No. 2050
The NATIONAL VETERANS SERVICE Committee shall formulate and carry out programs of aid to disabled or needy veterans of the military service of the United States of America, and to formulate and carry out programs for aid and service to members of the military forces of the United States of America.
- Lodge Veterans Service Report (Excel)
- Lodge Veterans Service Report (Adobe .pdf)
- District Veterans Service Report (Excel)
- District Veterans Service Report (Adobe .pdf)
For more information on the National Veterans Service program, please go to the Grand Lodge National Veterans Service page.
Karen Buchanan, Chairman
Redondo Beach Lodge No. 1378
Mission: To provide an informative questionnaire program for the use of the District Leaders in developing a Lodge Officer Training Program. To provide answers to the questions and indicate the referenced publication to support the official policy of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks. To annually update the questionnaire to reflect current changes to official policies.
- To provide Lodge Officers with a ready reference to many re-occurring questions that arises in the daily operation of the Lodge.
- To assist Lodge Officers to effectively respond to the challenges they encounter when interpreting management procedures and practices.
- To ensure that the subjects of the questionnaires are of a challenging nature and the answers are supported by reference to Grand Lodge Statutes and published manuals, including Roberts Rules of Order.
Officer Training Program Quizzes:
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PIGGY BANK (a.k.a. Purple Pig)
Frank Almazan, Chairman
Redlands Lodge No. 583Blanche Jorge, Vice Chairman
Los Banos Lodge No. 2510 -
Discover how Purple Pig is driving the financial arm of CHEA and how you can help contribute to the most important part of CHEA. Click here
Did you know that March is Purple Pig Month? Read more about it here!
Want to know more about the annual Leading Knight’s Challenge? Click here
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Dennis Hunter, Chairman
Eureka Lodge No. 0652
The PUBLIC RELATIONS Committee shall develop and maintain a strong publicity and public relations program to enhance the image of Elkdom. The program may include the training and development of members of the Lodges to attain a degree of professionalism for liaison and delivery of information to the news media.
Tim Egan, Chairman
Simi Valley Lodge No. 2492
Nancy Kulinski, Vice Chairman
El Cajon Lodge No. 1812
The RITUAL CONTEST Committee shall formulate regulations consistent with Grand Lodge Rules for the conduct and supervision of the ritualistic contests between the Subordinate Lodges of each district and in the states of California and Hawaii. The State Committeemen shall also conduct and supervise state ritualistic contests held at the State Convention.
Greg Carlson, Chairman
Alameda Lodge No. 1015
The RITUAL TRAINING Committee shall formulate training programs and recommend ritual judges, word judges and calculators for certification to Grand Lodge. A Ritual Training Chairman shall be appointed from each district who shall set up training clinics in accordance with the programs of the Grand Lodge and as provided in the Grand Lodge Ritualistic Manual, to train officers, coaches, ritual judges, word judges, and calculators for the perfection of ritualistic work in the states of California and Hawaii.
Rich Wallace, Chairman
Redwood City Lodge No. 1991
Harvey S. Boelts, Vice Chairman
Orange Lodge No. 1475
The SCHOLARSHIP Committee shall coordinate the program within the states of California and Hawaii, to conduct scholarship contests, and to award scholarships to worthy students.
Miles Nakatsu, Chairman
Hilo Lodge No. 0759
The SCOUTING Committee shall work with national, state, and local officials, and with this Association, to promote the work of the Boy and Girl Scouts of America.
Ben Ortega, Chairman
West Covina Lodge No. 1996
Jim McCloskey, Vice Chairman
Elk Grove Lodge No. 2577
The YOUTH/SOCCER ACTIVITIES Committee shall formulate ways and means by which the State Association, its Lodges and members, can most effectively assist boys and girls in the United States of America to become patriotic, capable, and law-abiding citizens, and to supervise and carry out programs in furtherance of said objective.
Need to submit my qrtly report, I don’t know who to send it to or what the precedure is. We are having a void in our office now…but I hope I can get good advice from district.
I saw that you do scholarships for people that have disabilities. I was cooking for my mom and family visiting from the east coast 7 years ago for thanksgiving and my mom had a new knife set, well needless to say I ended up slicing my right pinky and ring finger almost completely off. I have had 15 surgeries and can not bend or straighten my fingers. I have had two bone grafts from my wrist, attempted to take a tendon out of my arm and make a path with silicon as a tunnel to insert the tendon, but I am allergic to silicone, without knowing, and had a severe infection which caused me to have a pick line put in that was connected to my heart, a skin graft from the side of my hand to fill in the loss of skin from the infection, my ring finger is fused at the joint, my pinky broke twice because loss of motion, I have had two screws put in which will permanently be in place forever and the other surgeries were to try and save what I have left of half of my hand. The muscles in my palm had to be stitched back together as well. I am right handed just to top it all off. I am in continuous pain with it, but there is nothing my surgeon can do to fix them. Recently I have lost blood circulation in my two fingers and the blood supply will cut off momentarily until I elevate it. It is very difficult for me to type and write and I have developed arthritis and carpool-tunnel syndrome. I just turned 27 in November and worry what will be of my hand when I am older. I am going to Independence University in February for Respiratory Therapist despite the difficulty with typing and writing. I have never applied for any assistance and don’t even know if this is what I am supposed to be doing, but if I can get my story out and any help so I can further my education I would be forever grateful! I notice you do a lot for the community and it is something I would love to help out with! I used to dance ballet professionally and my dreams of that can no longer happen due to the loss of mobility and function in my hand. I had to quit my job as a server because of the pain and liability to the restaurant if i were to reinjure myself. I just want to put this negative situation into a positive light and I wont give up on my education and dreams but I just need a little help in taking that first leap of faith. Thank you for taking the time to read my story even if I don’t get the Scholarship. What you do for the community is amazing, and I wish more people would do the things you folks do! Don’t ever lose faith in humanity and hold on tight to your dreams! Best of luck and hope to hear from you soon!
Brielle Scherr
[email protected]
I do not see any committee listed as “District President’s Achievement / All American committee. Is this a brand new committee? Where can I find information on the President’s Achievement award, and the forms needed to complete?
Bruce Carmitchel, Chairman District President’s Achievement / All American Chairman for 2014-2015. Santa Maria Elks Lodge #1538, Santa Maria, CA
This is not a new committee. It is listed as a Special Assignment in our 2013-2014 Directory of Officers and Committee Chairmen on page 10. Ray Gomes is the Chairman. He can be reached at 209-648-4525 or [email protected]. I hope he can help you.
This is good
Are Elk Mantle Clock still given to members who recruit ? member in a given year?
Thank you for your question. Please contact C. Michael Melton, Chairman, CHEA Membership Committee. His email is [email protected] or cell (310) 339-6382.
Could someone please tell me how a House Committee in chosen and what HIS duties are as far as runing the house committee are I can’t seem to be able to find any information on his job as Chairman!
I have forwarded your email to Timothy C. Martin, Executive Director, California-Hawaii Elks. You should hear from him shortly.
Please request your Lodge By-Laws from your Lodge Secretary. You will find your answer there. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Please refer to GLS 16.040. How the House Committee will be organized in your Lodge is set forth in your by-laws. The choices were (a) Exalted Ruler, three Knights and Trustees,(b)the Trustees alone, (c) the Exalted Ruler appoints 3 to 13 Members (as specified in the by-law) who serve at his/her pleasure or (d) the Board of Directors.
The duties and responsibilities of the House Committee are fully described in 16.040, the Opinions and Decisions under the same statute. Your Lodge might have a local operating manual for the committee that fleshes out certain details but 16.040 is the “Bible” for the committee.
I just can not believe all the information that is available if your willing to look for it. Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to set this up. A shame if it is not utilized. I’m probably the last one to find it.
Do you have any guidelines for advertising in Lodge monthly magazines????? It’s my understand there are some postal regulations because of our charity staus.
Thank you for your inquiry. Please refer to the Grand Lodge website at under Members Only/ Committees/ Judiciary Committee/ Manuals / Annotated Statutes or contact Phil Claiborne at Grand Lodge at [email protected] or 1-773-755-4700, who will be able to answer your question.
Do any of the CHEA Lodges have a written job description for their House Committee? I’ve read the info on Club Operations and Management in our Lodge Bylaws & House Rules… and I can write one from that… but wonder if another Lodge had one already! Thanks…
Thank you for your inquiry. Please refer to the Grand Lodge website at under Members Only/ Committees/ Judiciary Committee/ Manuals / Annotated Statutes or contact Phil Claiborne at Grand Lodge at [email protected] or 1-773-755-4700, who will be able to answer your question.
How do I get into Officer training? None of our officers or trustees know the answer.
The Officers Training Quizzes are not on the website. Please contact your District Leader for the quiz. Thank you.
Palo Alto’s PR Chairman would like information on the Bulletin Contest. Could someone help with the name and email of the current State Pubic Relations Chairman.
Thank you
The Bulletin contest is listed on the website. Go to, sign in as a member, go to Officers & Committees/ Grand Lodge Committees/ Fraternal Committee/ Forms, Contests & Downloads
The Public Relations Chairman is James Miller [email protected]