President’s Message – February 2013

It is also time to concentrate on your Lodge’s lapsation rate and contact those members who will soon be dropped for non-payment of dues. Just writing them a letter and telling them that they are past due does not work. We must make personal contact, either by phone or by going to their home, knocking on the door, and talking face to face. I know most Lodges have a contingency fund to help members in distress or to at least pay their dues. This will pay dividends for many years to come. As I have said many times in my visits to the Lodges in California and Hawaii, it is important to get the new and longtime members involved in Lodge and Community activities.
On a personal note, Shirley and I have had the best time on our visits to the different Districts. We were welcomed with open arms in each and every Lodge we visited. The hospitality and warmth of the members and officers could not have been better. We have four more months to go and look forward to many more adventures and memories to come. Thank you one and all.
Please take time to enjoy the rest of this Elk year, and don’t forget to celebrate the 145th birthday of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and continue to “Reach New Heights by Soaring with Elkdomâ€.