November 10
th marked an evening of celebration as Moreno Valley Elks Lodge No. 2697 held their annual Marine Birthday Party. There were approximately 50 people in attendance, including 10 Marines, and 12 people from other branches of the service – most of them veterans.  Retired Gunnery Sgt. Willie Harris, Leading Knight, conducted a Cake-Cutting Ceremony. This ceremony is a standardized service with the oldest Marine cutting the cake, tasting it and handing it off to the youngest Marine to taste. Retired Staff Sgt. Joe Arzate is the oldest Marine and USMC Sgt. Tony Mitchell is the youngest. All veterans were treated to free drinks and cake.  Part of the profits went to provide Thanksgiving for four families in the community. Other funds will go to support our Veterans with cards, gifts and needed supplies as Elks members visit disabled Veterans at Loma Linda, CA Hospital in December.