Veterans From Palo Alto VA Hospital Treated to BBQ
The Palo Alto Elks Lodge #1471 entertained over 45 patients from the Palo Alto Veterans Hospital for a second time this summer with another fantastic barbecue at the lodge.
The Veterans from the Spinal Cord Injury unit, the Traumatic Brain Injury ward, the Poly Trauma Ward, the Western Blind Center and the PTSD group arrived at the Lodge in three VA Hospital buses where they were seated with a view of the lodge swimming pool. From this scenic vantage point the Veterans were able to watch the lodge members and their families enjoying the pool and everyone appreciated the beautiful sunny weather.
With a menu of lemon chicken, Tony’s spare ribs, corn-on-the cob, beans, potato salad, green salad and garlic bread, it was a pleasure to see all the Veterans relish the time with us and delight in the meal which was topped off with ice cream for dessert.
The Veterans had a good time during their respite away from the hospital and some returned to the hospital with doggy bags for friends who had been unable to participate in the festivities because they were bedridden. The lodge has one more barbecue planned before the fall weather arrives.
Great job by the Palo Alto Elks Veterans Committee. Hats off to Dom Garofano for continuing the great job he has done over many years, as chairman of the Veterans Committee.
Bob Fleck, VP-WCD