Facebook and East Central District 720
We’d like to acknowledge the growing Facebook resources and encourage members to visit our FB page – the district resources are posted here.
Spreading the word for ECD we are happy to pass along the following information.
Our (East Central District) page is designed to communicate, real-time exchanges of information. While it may not directly affect your lodge, this information is there and consolidated for you and your lodges viewing. The location of our District Facebook Site is: www.facebook.com/elksprecd7/
Once you’re there you will want to click “LIKE” to stay informed about the Grand Lodge, State, District, and Lodges within our District well as outside our District. Viable topics include Lodges upcoming activities, featured past lodge activities, membership activities (how Lodges are driving increased membership), community activities, Scholarships, ENF, Elks Veterans, Statues & Annotates, Protocol, and Guidelines.
Additional categories could be; Fun trivial quizzes about our Order, contests, conventions and so very much more including and importantly family-oriented Elk activities.
Our site will save time by providing information that could be cumbersome to access, along with exchanging ideas that have been successful for Lodges in our District that others may benefit from without reinventing the wheel.
Please consider utilizing this valuable asset that is owned by all Elk members. Please put a mention in your newsletters going forward every month to promote the site, place a spot in your daily routine for this Facebook site, a spot in each of your member’s memory bank about our site with honorable mentions at your Lodge meetings. Suggestions and comments are always welcomed.
Regards and Thank you,
Mark Robinson
ECD Public Relations Chairman
How do you post to the blog?
What can be posted? Newsworthy Elk articles?
Please send your information for the blog to Kira Wagner at [email protected] and she will be happy to post it to the blog. If you have any questions, please let me know. Charisce